March for Life 2008

On January 22, 2008, hundreds of thousands gathered at the nation’s capitol for the 35th Annual March for Life. Students and faculty from both St. Tikhon’s and St. Vladimir’s had the privilege of representing the Orthodox Christians in America in taking a stance for pro-life.
The day started for us at 5 AM with a five hour car ride from Seminary to Washington, D.C. Upon arrival, we set up the HUGE banner that displayed an icon of Christ blessing the little children. We met up with everyone from St. Vladimir’s along with other faithful Orthodox Christians and made our way to the LARGE crowd that was already gathered. For most of us, this was probably the largest event we have been to. People flooded the streets and buses were continually unloading as several states, schools, and churches were represented. Several congressmen and clergymen gave motivational and spiritual messages expressing the need to take a stance on pro-life and make a difference in our society. This year’s theme for the march was “Build Unity on the Life Principles throughout America. No Exception! No Compromise!"

The Most Blessed Herman, Archbishop of Washington and New York & Metropolitan of All America and Canada for the Orthodox Church of America, spoke on behalf of all Orthodox Christians. He pledged support and offered prayers stressing the need to save the lives of innocent children who are becoming victims to abortion each day.

Following the rally, we marched our way to the United States Supreme Court. During the march, we sang several hymns and then stopped just before the Court building where a special memorial service was led by Metropolitan Herman and Bishop Tikhon for all the innocent children who have lost their lives to abortion. It was a powerful and uplifting prayer service that will definitely be remembered by all of us who had the opportunity to go.
Although it was cold day and the wind was against us, we definitely enjoyed our time and are proud to say that we too took part in such a blessed event. It was a great experience to see such a gathering. Every year the march is attracting more people, and we hope you will join us next year for the 36th Annual March for Life! Please continue to pray for the mothers who struggle to make the right choice, and the children who are innocent and deserve a chance to live. May God grant peace to the souls of the children who have passed before us.



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